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Board of Directors

A well-informed board is essential and equates to an effective board that has a clear understanding of its roles and responsibilities. The Board's composition is intended to strike a balance between experience, expertise and independence, in accordance with the principles and mission of the Foundation. The Board of Directors defines our strategy and ensures its implementation.

Sharon McCarry

President, Executive Director and Coco’s Mom

Sharon McCarry est une ardente défenseure des familles vivant avec un trouble du spectre de l’autisme (TSA) et d'autres troubles neurodéveloppementaux. Elle s'engage à apporter des changements significatifs et profonds aux politiques et aux services pour améliorer la vie des familles au sein des communautés touchées par le handicap.

En 2008, elle a fondé La Fondation Place Coco, un organisme de bienfaisance canadien qui gère et exploite la Petite Maison Rouge (LRP). LRP est une garderie intégrée où des jeunes enfants neurodivers et neurotypiques apprennent côte à côte dans un environnement éducatif favorable.


McCarry est également une bénévole active. Elle est co-présidente et membre du Comité consultatif de l’Agence du revenu du Canada (ARC) sur le crédit d'impôt pour personnes handicapées, qui conseille le ministre du Revenu national et l'ARC sur la façon dont l'Agence peut améliorer l'administration et l'interprétation des mesures fiscales pour les Canadiens en situation de handicap depuis 4 ans. Elle a été membre du Comité directeur du CIUSSS de l'Ouest-de-l'Île-de-Montréal, contribuant à leur plan stratégique et à un nouveau programme de coaching parental que la Fondation offrira aux Montréalais. Depuis 8 ans, elle est fière membre du Comité consultatif du programme neurodéveloppemental Strongest Families avec le réseau de recherche pancanadien Child Bright : Parents Empowering Neurodiverse Kids, qui fournit des interventions de coaching parental basées sur des preuves. Elle a également été directrice de l'engagement citoyen (Programme de l’expérience vécue) pour le réseau Child Bright, membre du groupe de recherche stratégique axé sur le patient, et a siégé à leur comité exécutif et comité directeur national, financés par les IRSC et 25 autres partenaires financiers pendant 3 ans. Ses projets les plus récents se concentrent sur la simplification du processus de demande de prestations et de crédits d'impôt pour tous les Canadiens en situation de handicap.


Professionnelle accomplie, McCarry a également travaillé avec de nombreuses entreprises du Fortune 500 en stratégie marketing et gestion de marque. McCarry est titulaire d’un baccalauréat de l’Université McGill et vit à Montréal, Québec, où elle est mère de deux fils, dont l'un est autiste.


Colm McCary

Director/Person With Lived Experience

Colm is a young adult whose lived experience serves as the inspiration behind Coco’s Place Foundation and the Little Red Playhouse. As a proud self-advocate, they have actively contributed to national research projects, including the National Autism Strategy and as a member of the UN Youth Council on the Rights of the Child. Colm has also worked as a part-time research assistant on intervention support projects for students at McMaster University and as a tester for web accessibility projects with Easy Surf in Vancouver. A passionate filmmaker, Colm runs their own YouTube channel and has been actively involved with Spectrum Productions since the age of 11. They are currently studying Geospatial Technologies at Concordia University.

Colm Website pic.jpg

Suanne Stein-Day


Suanne Stein Day holds a B. Comm, CMC. She is is the former Chair of the Lester B. Pearson School Board (LBPSB), the largest English school board in Quebec, serving 37 municipalities from Montreal west to the Ontario border. She also served as Vice President of the Quebec English School Boards Association (QESBA). Committed to advancing education, she has contributed on many fronts to projects and programs of both the LBPSB and QESBA, leading technology and digital citizenship initiatives locally and provincially. In addition to her responsibilities to education in Quebec, Suanne is an independent consultant specializing in accounting and computer systems.

Liam Bienstock


Liam is a dedicated occupational therapist with a specialization in paediatrics. He obtained his degree from McGill University, where he developed a strong foundation in occupational therapy principles and techniques. Liam has worked at the Douglas Mental Health University Institute in child psychiatry, Mackay Centre School and with children in camp settings.  Throughout his career, Liam has had the privilege of working with a diverse range of children and their families, with a variety of goals and challenges. He is passionate about supporting children and their families in developing skills and independence in their daily activities, whether it's academics, play, dressing, feeding, or any other aspect of their lives. He considers participation in these activities to be crucial for their overall development and well-being. To ensure the best outcomes for his clients, Liam draws upon a variety of approaches in his practice. He strongly advocates for strength-based methods, focusing on empowering children and highlighting their individual capabilities. He is a firm believer in parent coaching; by collaborating closely with families, he aims to provide comprehensive support and create a nurturing environment for children to thrive. Overall, Liam is excited to work with you and your family, and the team here at LRP, and believes that together, we can overcome challenges, build on strengths, and empower your child to reach their fullest potential!

Campbell Stuart


Campbell is currently the Executive Director of St. Michael’s Mission, a day shelter in downtown Montreal for vulnerable populations experiencing lack of shelter, food insecurity and other disadvantages. He also practises law under the name Campbell Stuart Legal, mainly in the corporate, commercial and IT sectors, having been a partner in the firm Colby Monet from 1992 to 2012.

Before practising law Campbell worked on community development projects here and in Africa, and he continues to offer his services to local and international charities, environmental protection groups and community organizations, in particular the Legacy Fund for the Environment which he founded in 2015 and where he remains Vice President.

He is also the former mayor of Montreal West. 

Campbell graduated from Queen's University with a BA in 1974 and received his Common and Civil Law degrees from McGill University in 1982. He was called to the Quebec Bar in 1986.

Melanie Greenberg-Schwartz


Dedicated social worker with extensive knowledge of diverse aspects of social, emotional, and behavioral difficulties in students. Effectively observe entirety of child's behavior to delve into their unique situation, cultural environment, communication style, and temperament to understand the child needs. Highlights of qualifications include possess proven ability to engage and empathize with parents, encouraging effective and open two-way communication that benefits their child. Highly adept at working with children and adults, gaining their trust, and utilizing in-depth assessment knowledge to astutely identify behavioral and learning issues to develop solutions and support plans. Work synergistically with educators/teachers to understand their overall class and individual student challenges. Build mutually beneficial relationships to help educators/teachers achieve teaching goals. Demonstrate strong leadership skills as trusted member of team who employs active listening skills and strong communication ability. Often requested by colleagues to assist with interventions for child/youth with social, emotional, and behavioral development (SEBDs).

Alynn Doiron


Alynn is a Montreal West resident and mother to two Little Red Playhouse graduates.

She has a background in developmental psychology and early childhood education. For more than a decade she worked on family mental health as a birth and postpartum doula. She joined the board to ensure families are able to benefit from this exceptional program like her did.

Laura Fregeau

Board member

Laura Frégeau is an Occupational Therapist and doctoral student at McGill University. Laura has been actively involved in the neurodivergent community in Montreal most of her life as a family member, a volunteer, and, eventually, a professional. Previously, Laura has been apart of the team at Little Red Playhouse and Next Steps Camp as an educator, occupational therapist, and a parent of children attending the program. The positive environment upheld by the team at LRP is truly a force to admire and Laura looks forward to continue serving the community through this new position with the board.

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